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Thursday 31 March 2011

Starting All Over Again!

I've just finished the first draft of a new Modern Romance. There are always mixed feelings when I type those two little words 'The End' at the foot of a final page. First there's the little flush of pleasure that comes from inventing a whole world in fifty thousand words. Then there's the tinge of sadness as I face saying goodbye to a hero and heroine that I've been living with night and day, waking and sleeping, for  several months. That's soon replaced by the thought of starting all over again with a new couple. Looking around for inspiration is always an exciting time. It can strike at any time - when I overhear a snatch of conversation, see someone with Alpha potential, or while I'm on the school run. Not that I get much time to daydream. There's the next draft of my current work in progress, tentatively called Fire and Ice, to polish!