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Thursday 4 August 2011

Now It's Your Turn!

Last time in my Focus On... spot, Nas Dean contributed an informative and interesting blog about Virtual Blog Tours. Thanks to all the readers who dropped by to post comments. I love hearing from you, so today's blog is in the form of a question.
Who would you like to see featured in future Focus spots here on my blog? Lots of you agreed with me, that Nas' post gives a real insight into the publicity aspect of writing. What would you like to get the low-down on? Who would you like to hear from? Let me know who or what you'd like to see in the spotlight, and I'll do my best to get a Focus feature for for you.
Don't forget the competition running on my website to win free books. The closing date is 21st August. Visit http://www.christinahollis.com for more details - and good luck!


  1. Hmm...I haven't been able to go through all your previous posts on this blog, but maybe some posts on your personal journey and where you find inspiration/how you work your way through writing might be interesting.

  2. Hi Christina,

    Get some published authors to talk about how they handle book marketing!

    And their views on book reviews would also be interesting!

  3. Hi Marlena - thanks for your post. That's a good idea, because every writer's experience is different. I'll pencil it in!

  4. Lovely to see you here, Nas - thanks for commenting. I don't need to tell you that marketing is a really hot topic, do I? ;) I know some members of my local RNA chapter are making themselves experts on it as they promote their own books, so I'll ask some of them to blog.
